JPAR’s Tiffani Marroquin urges real estate firms to view AI as a collaborative partner, not a threat

By Real Estate News

In this week’s episode of the RealTrending podcast, host Tracey Velt sits down with Tiffani Marroquin, head of growth and innovation for JPAR Real Estate. They discuss the utility of artificial intelligence (AI) for the real estate industry, as well as JPAR’s solutions designed to enhance agent and brokerage performance.

This conversation has been edited for length and clarity. To kick things off, Marroquin explores her early involvement with artificial intelligence.

Marroquin: It goes back to growing up as a millennial during a time where there’s major technological advancements, and seeing both of my parents waking up before sunrise, taking that long commute to work and then getting home late at night. I always just thought there has to be a better way. And initially, it led me into real estate.

Velt: Let’s talk about how you’re leveraging AI and machine learning to enhance the experience of JPAR and its affiliates. 

Marroquin: I hosted a workshop where I like to call it, “creating the second business brain,” which is a knowledge base that has been input into ChatGPT, and you’re creating your own custom GPT for your business. And that can be used for so many different things. It helps if you’re not great with prompting the AI. Since it already has a lot of your business information, it’s going to know what exactly you’re wanting. 

Another thing that we’ve also done — which also helps our agents, not just our affiliates — is that we’ve taken a personality profile and turned it into a quiz with AI. Matched with our internal technology, resources and training, it tells agents which training route they should take based on their personality type. 

Another one is the ability to pull transcripts from past training or YouTube and turn it into either a knowledge base, a different training or social media content.

Velt: How have technology and innovation really shaped your strategy for scaling the business?

Marroquin: I don’t think it’s really about doing more. It’s about doing things smarter. The key is actually going through an assessment of your business and discovering where AI and automation can provide strategic support. It’s like having a digital co-pilot that understands your business’s DNA, giving professionals time to build relationships, create value or more.

Velt: What are you seeing as the most efficient or impactful ways that agents can use AI in their businesses? 

Marroquin: It’s certainly more than just writing a listing presentation. So, if you’re a broker and you want to put together information for your agents, it’s probably a little better if you take the transcripts. Let’s say you’re a top-producing agent and you have a lot of clients. Rather than going in and searching the MLS yourself, and having to pull out those names and then email clients, you can actually automate that process and use AI. They can actually perform data scraping off the MLS, match that with their clients’ needs and even send the emails from a draft. 

To end the conversation, Marroquin explores industrywide changes in AI and technology use in 2024. She urges real estate companies to embrace the change and view AI as a collaborative partner, not a threat.

Marroquin: I think it’s really the hyper-personalization that you can get from utilizing different types of AI. It’s exciting because literally every month, every day, there’s something new coming out. There’s so many different tools. It’s going to get to where you won’t be able to tell the difference.